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                孚道愿景:打造全国∑ 优秀律师事务所








                团队文化: 你不是在与人合伙,而是与人的优点合伙。



                Our Goal: To be the best legal counsel minimizing the legal risks of our clients.

                Our Mission: To provide professional and high quality legal services to the clients all over the country,?who with vision seek after superior service..

                Our Strategy: To adopt advanced?company management?mode and build the top legal team of all members with master or doctor degrees.

                Our value:

                Expertise?creates valueDedication nurtures valueTeamwork elevates value.

                Profession: Not only makes legal comments, but also provides solutions.

                Expertise: Not only be of diligence, but also have empathy for the clients.

                Team: Not only coordination, but also union in common effort.

                What we offer are not billable hours, but our expertise, experience and judgment.

                Making money is never a purpose, but a natural result of doing things well.

                Clients with vision seek after superior service instead of low price.

                Our partnership philosophy:

                You're not in partnership with fellows, but in partnership with fellows' strength.

                A good partnership derives from mutual adjustment instead of selection.

                Only mutual exhortation is sincere;?only mutual sincerity lasts forever.

                Our team philosophy:

                There is no perfect person but perfect team.

                Working with more outstanding fellows is the biggest?benefits of the team.

                While success is important, self-improvement goes a long way.

                The only way to do great work is to love what you do.--Steve Jobs.